Symptom Oriented Pain Management- A review
Year : 2019 | Volume : 7 | Issue : 1 Page : 4-13
Prof. (Dr.) Dwarkadas Baheti MD1
Consultant Pain Anaesthesiologist and Pain Physician, Bombay Hospital and Research Centre; Consultant Pain Physician
Lilavati, Raheja and Shushrusha Hospitals Mumbai.
Introduction: Pain is as old as humankind. Pain management is fast
growing specialty. It is defined as a “discipline of medicine
devoted to the diagnosis, treatment of pain and its related
disorders”. The International Association for the Study of Pain
(IASP) has defined pain as “an unpleasant sensory and
emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue
damage or described in terms of such damage”.
Melzack and Wall’s “Gate Control Theory” has opened
new avenues for pain management. The neuropathic pain is
“pain arising as a direct consequence of a lesion or disease
affecting the somatosensory system”.
Pain can be acute or chronic. Acute pain is as a result of
trauma, surgery or postoperative. The transformation of acute
pain to chronic pain which is debilitating and frustrating. The
chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP) Is a multifactorial process
involving surgical technique, environmental factors, and
genetics. The nerve injury results in the development of a
chronic neuropathic pain.
Chronic pain is of complex nature, comprised of
physical, psychological, and social components. Chronic pain
has been defined as unresolving pain lasting for a period longer
than 3 to 6 months.
Chronic pain is no more a Symptom but considered as
Disease such as hypertension and Diabetes mellites.
Chronic pains seen at Pain Management Clinic Violence;
workplace; doctors; trends.
Headache- is common of medical complaints and are primary
and secondary. Primary are migraine, tension type headache,
and cluster headache. The symptoms are nausea, vomiting,
hypersensitivity to light, noise, associated with aura or visual
symptoms, fever, arthralgias and malaise.
The causes of secondary headaches are intra cerebral bleed,
and brain tumours.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications ex. analgesics, neuropathic
pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics, antidepressants;
physiotherapy and counselling. The supra orbital, superficial
temporal, occipital nerve blocks and surgery is advised.
Trigeminal Neuralgia- is episode of neuralgic pain, over the
distribution of one or more divisions of the trigeminal nerve.
The pain is paroxysmal episode of a cluster of lancinating or
‘electric shock’ like pains, severe to excruciating in intensity
lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes and keeps
recurring, leaving a pain free interval (‘refractory period’)
between the episodes.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications ex. analgesics, neuropathic
pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics, antidepressants;
physiotherapy; counselling and surgery microvascular
The trigeminal nerve or ganglion block with local anaesthesia
and steroid or rf ablation are advised.
Cervical Radiculopathy- is a dysfunction of a spinal nerves from
C5 to T1.
The cause is nerve root irritation, secondary to disk herniations
or degenerative changes.
Symptoms- are pain in the neck, shoulder and arm with
associated changes in the sensory, motor and deep tendon
reflexes.1 It is typically a pins and needle, burning, shooting
lancinating pain in a dermatomal pattern, in one or both arms.
One must rule out herpes zoster, thoracic outlet syndrome and
brachial plexus neuralgia, disorders of rotator cuff or Pancoast
tumour and sympathetic pain.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications ex. analgesics, neuropathic
pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics, antidepressants;
physiotherapy and counselling. The pain blocks such as cervical
epidural steroid injection (Fig. 1); nucleoplasty, cervical traction
and surgery.
Cervical Facet pain- is neck pain with radiation to the head,
shoulders and arms arise from the cervical zygapophysial (facet)
joints. The pain may radiate to the head or down to the
trapezius, shoulder, arms and even to the fingers, with
subjective numbness.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The pain
blocks such as cervical facet injection and medial branch block
with radio frequency ablation.
Cervical Discogenic pain- is focal axial neck pain with frequent
occipital headaches, with or without referred pain into
shoulders and between the scapular blades. There may be
complains of tightness and muscle spasms in the neck with
limitation of range of movement.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The
provocative discography is advised.
The surgical options are anterior cervical discectomy and
fusion or artificial disk replacement.
Lumbar Radiculopathy- is nerve irritation caused by
damage to the disc or from degenerative disc disease and
commonly recognized "sciatica" pain that shoots down a
lower extremity.
Symptoms-include sharp pain in the back, extending to the
foot; pain with sitting or coughing; numbness or weakness in
the leg and foot; numbness or tingling in the back or leg and
sensation or reflex changes, hypersensitivity. In case of
weakness, foot drop, called as red flags then surgery is advised.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment-includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The pain
blocks such as trans foraminal lumbar epidural (Fig. 4) steroid
The surgical options are decompressive surgery such as
laminectomy and/or discectomy/microdiscectomy.
Lumbar facet joint pain- is cause of low back pain which can
be unilateral or bilateral with or without radiation to the
buttocks, hips, or legs without dermatomal distribution. The
pain from the facet joints is seen with repetitive use such as
frequent extension, lateral bending, or twisting of the spine.
The sudden sheering forces to the joints sustained during
motor vehicle accidents, work related injuries, sports injuries
can result facetal pain.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The diagnostic
facet joint block with steroids (Fig. 5) and radiofrequency
ablation of the medial branches either by a heat (thermal)
lesion or pulsed mode.
Lumbar spinal Stenosis- is a cause of pain and disability due
to narrowing of the spinal canal and/or neuroforamen, in
elderly. The prevalence and overall burden of LSS continues to
grow in the aging population.2,3 In elderly it is a chronic disease
of degenerative narrowing of the spinal canal leading to
compression and ischemia of the spinal nerves.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes use of medications such as analgesics,
NSAIDs, neuropathic, antidepressants; physiotherapy and
counselling. The interlaminar lumbar epidural with mixture of
local anaesthetic and steroid.
Central canal stenosis- results from a decrease in the
anteroposterior or transverse space, or a combination due to
disk height loss. This can occur with or without herniation of
disk and hypertrophy of the facet joints and the ligamentum
Symptoms-are coupled with paraesthesia’s into the lower
lumbar region, buttocks and eventually down the legs. The
distribution of pain in the lower extremities is dependent on
the location of stenosis and cramping like sensation. The EMG/
NCS helps determine if a coexisting peripheral neuropathy.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes use of medications such as analgesics,
NSAIDs, neuropathic, antidepressants; physiotherapy and
counselling. The interlaminar lumbar epidural with mixture of
local anaesthetic and steroid is advised.
Lumbar discogenic pain- is cause of pain and disability in the
industrialized nations which results in significant economic and
public health burden. It is leading cause of absenteeism and
lost productivity. In approximately 40% of LBP complaints in
adults, the aetiology of pain can be attributed to a discogenic
origin.4,5. The discogenic pain is a very complicated and
multifactorial. However, biological, mechanical, and
environmental factors are widely considered as key
contributors to the degenerative process.6
Symptoms & Signs-pain is aggravated by upright sitting, lumbar
flexion, coughing, sneezing, or activities that increase
intradiscal pressure. Pain may radiate in dermatomal
distribution into the leg, characterized as achy, burning, or
electrical shock and is often described as a shooting or stabbing
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment-includes use of medications such as analgesics,
NSAIDs, neuropathic, antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The provocative discography to locate level of disc
(Fig. 7) followed cooled RF ablation or by percutaneous or
endoscopic discectomy.
Sacroiliac joint pain (SIJ)- is cause of low back pain, being the
largest weight bearing joint in the body, with a prevalence of
between 15% and 40%. 7,8 The paired SIJs distribute body
weight across the pelvis and lower limbs following the
curvature of the pelvis in a dumbly shape.
Causes- of SIJ pain are: Intra-articular: Arthritis, ankylosing
spondylitis; myofascial pain, ligament injury, attachment injury
etc.; Shear forces: Post lumbar fusion surgery, pelvic fractures,
abnormal gait associated with leg shortening. In late pregnancy,
the lax ligaments in the pelvis and weight gain put extra strain
on the spine.
Signs and Symptoms- pain is experienced in the gluteal area
over the SIJ and into the buttock, thigh and knee. It can mimic
sciatica with difference of normal straight leg raising tests to
differentiate from SIJ pain. Pain is often exacerbated by turning
over in bed, putting on shoes and socks and leg lifting to get
into or out of a car or out of bed in the morning; prolonged
sitting or standing can exacerbate the pain and stiffness, which
is not helped by walking.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The SI joint
pain block (Fig. 8) with mixture of local anaesthetic and steroid
or RF ablation.
Coccygodynia- is pain in the region of the coccyx, typically is
triggered by or occurs while sitting. It is five times more
prevalent in women than men and the average age is 40 years.9
It occurs after direct trauma or a fall directly on coccyx and
after difficult vaginal delivery; duration of time spent sitting;
when they sit on their legs or on one buttock. The pain is more
in women during the premenstrual period or sexual
intercourse. The history of constipation and blood in the stool
is suggestive of the tumour or metastasis. The rectal
examination or manipulation is painful.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The pain block
is coccygeal nerve block or ganglion of impar block with local
anaesthetic and steroid.
Piriformis Pain Syndromes (PF)- is a neuromuscular disorder
that occurs due to compression of sciatic nerve compression
which irritates piriformis muscle.
Symptoms-pain, tingling and numbness in the buttocks and
along sciatic nerve down the lower thigh and into the leg. PF
affects athletes, following surgery or trauma of the piriformis
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling.
The injection into piriformis muscle, bursa, tendon or ganglion
of impar block.
Psoas or Iliopsoas Syndrome- Iliopsoas muscles help in flexion
of the hip. The tendon is attached to the thigh bone to the
muscle and iliopsoas bursa is the largest bursa in the body.
The iliopsoas bursitis/tendonitis is caused by overuse and
friction which is associated with lifting, unloading trucks, and
in sports requiring extensive use of the hip flexors (e.g. soccer,
ballet, uphill running, hurdling, jumping).
The pain can be from osteoarthritis hip; tight iliopsoas;
iliopsoas bursitis or tendinitis; rheumatoid arthritis; secondary
mechanical wear or impingement from orthopaedic hardware.
Symptoms- The pain in the hip and thigh region, hip stiffness
and a clicking or snapping feeling in the hip. The snapping hip
syndrome may be caused by the iliopsoas tendon catching on
the pelvis when the hip is flexed. The initial pain happens when
rising from a seated position even standing, walking or lying
down is not comfortable and extending the leg while driving.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The injection
into iliopsoas; Iliopsoas Bursa Injection and Iliopsoas Tendon.
Levator Ani Syndrome- symptoms are typically dull, aching or
pressure like discomfort in the rectum. The prolonged sitting
and defecation precipitate the pain lasting for 20 minutes or
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The injection
into levator ani muscle or ganglion of impar block.
Pudendal Neuralgia- could be due to pudendal nerve
entrapment (PNE) chronically compressed in the ischiorectal
fossa results in pain.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The pudendal
nerve block, RF ablation or ganglion of impar block.
Types of Urogenital Pain
Orchialgia/Testicular Pain- could be due to epididymo-orchitis;
infection, tumour, testicular torsion, varicocele, hydrocele,
spermatocele, trauma and surgeries such as vasectomy,
inguinal hernia repair or testicular surgery.
Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS) OR Interstitial Cystitis- BPS is a
complex issue affecting urinary bladder and is characterized
by pelvic pain, urinary urgency, frequency and nocturia. It is a
severely debilitating syndrome with poorly understood
Vulvodynia- is defined as vulvar burning or pain is tightly
localized by point pressure ‘mapping’ by probing with a cottontipped
applicator or similar instrument.
Urethral Pain Syndrome- is characterized by recurrent episodic
urethral pain, usually on voiding, with daytime frequency and
Anorectal Pain Syndromes- persistent or recurrent, episodic
rectal pain with rectal trigger points/tenderness related to
symptoms of bowel dysfunction.
Proctalgia Fugax- is sudden, severe, aching, cramping, gnawing
or stabbing rectal pain lasting seconds to minutes that seems
to arise in the rectum.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment-includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The blocks
include ilioinguinal, genitofemoral; superior hypogastric plexus
(Fig. 9) and ganglion of impar block with local anaesthetic,
neurolytic or rf ablation in select patient.
Cancer Pain Cancer pain management is a complex one. It
involves treatment of disease; associated effects and pain relief.
It affects physically and financially to patient his or her family
to society and nation at large.
Cancer pain may have various presentations (i.e. visceral,
somatic, neuropathic) and affect different regions of the body.
There is need of pain assessment; understanding various
painful conditions; proper diagnosis. The multimodal
treatment modalities include medications, interventional,
physiotherapy, psychological and alternative therapies.
Symptoms- are pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation; loss of
appetite and weight; malaise, fatigue; fever & chills ; anxiety
& depression or suicidal tendency and reduction in quality of
life. The additional symptoms are coughing, shortness of
breath, or chest pain in cancer lung and blood in the stool in
colon cancer
Head and Neck Cancer- refers to malignant tumours that arise
in the mucosa of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, nasal cavity,
and paranasal sinuses.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The maxillary,
hypoglossal nerve block, RF ablation are advised.
Breast Cancer: is one of the most prevalent types of cancer.
Symptoms-Pain may be a late symptom, due to involvement
of muscles, ribs.
The neuropathic pain following surgery, radiotherapy,
plexopathy or scar pain.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The brachial
plexus, intercostal (Fig. 10), paravertebral nerve blocks are
Carcinoma Lung: Pain due to the disease itself: chest wall
involvement; pleural disease-mesotheliomas, invasion
from lung parenchyma; metastatic disease to ribs,
vertebra, sternum, scapula; Invasion of brachial plexus
from Pancoast’s tumour.
There may be post-thoracotomy pain; post-irradiation
pain and plexopathy; chemotherapy-induced peripheral
After clinical examination and relevant investigations
following multimodal approach is used.
Treatment-includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The
intercostal, paravertebral nerve and intrapleural block are
Upper Abdominal Pain: is due to tumours such as
pancreas, liver, gallbladder, omentum, mesentery,
alimentary tract from stomach and transverse portion of
large colon. All these organs are innervated by celiac and
splanchnic plexus.
Causes of Pain-Tumours arising from stomach, liver,
gallbladder, kidney, spleen, pancreas, aortic lymph
adenopathy, omental mass.
Symptoms- Pain in epigastrium, right or left
hypochondrium referred to back. Pain is usually vague,
deep, squeezing, crampy, or colicky, stretching,
compressing due to invading or distention of visceral
structures, burning sensation or sharp stabbing. Pain is
referred to back or to left or right shoulder, e.g. shoulder
pain that appears when the diaphragm is invaded with
tumour; Inability to lie down on the back; Nausea/
vomiting; Constipation; yellowish discoloration of skin;
Insomnia and Irritability, depression or anxiety.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment-includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling.
The CT guided neurolytic blocks of splanchnic or celiac plexus
(Fig. 11) are effective in controlling visceral cancer pain. In some
Intrathecal implantable pump (Fig. 12) is implanted into the
abdominal wall for pain relief.
Malignant Pelvic Pain- is due to endometriosis, uterine
leiomyoma, adenomyosis, endometrium cancer, Vulvar
condyloma, Cervical cancer, bony tumours of Pelvis, Prostate
Cancer, urinary bladder, testicular tumours.
Symptoms- include abnormal bleeding, increase pelvic pressure
and pain, pain is more with tumour necrosis.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment-includes use of medications analgesic, trans dermal
patches and antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling.
The pain blocks advised are epidural block, intrathecal,
subarachnoid block, ganglion of Impar.
Metastatic Bone Pain- Bones are the third most common
metastatic site after lungs and liver.10
Bone metastases are classified as osteolytic, or mixed,
according to interference with normal bone remodelling. The
skeletal complications present as pathologic fractures, spinal
cord compression, and hypercalcemia.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment-includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The use of
chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, Systemic
Radioisotope are useful.
Ischaemic Pain Causes- are atherosclerosis; arterial fibro
dysplasia; arterial dissection, vasospasm, embolism/
thrombosis; trauma; thoracic outlet obstruction; Burger’s
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. For viable limb
revascularization, use of anticoagulants Urokinase, Alteplase,
Reteplase, Tenecteplase, Heparin-the optimal dosing is unclear.
The blocks ex. sympathetic: Stellate Ganglion, Lumbar; spinal
cord stimulation (SCS) are advised. These will help to improve
microcirculatory blood flow, relieve ischemic pain and reduce
amputation rate in peripheral arterial occlusive disease
(PAOD).11 In case of non-viable limb with signs of tissue loss,
nerve damage, and sensory loss, will require amputation
Myofascial Pain
The term “Myofascial pain” was coined by Janet Travell who
observed that referral pain from fascia was like that of the
contractile muscle element.12
Myofascial pain is characterized by the presence of trigger
points. Trigger point is defined as an exquisitely tender spot in
discrete taut bands of hardened muscle that produce local and
referred pain, among other symptoms.
Myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) are present in
radiculopathies, nerve entrapments, bone or joint in the stage
of healing, congenital musculoskeletal abnormalities,
metabolic disorders, nutritional imbalances, and regional
biomechanical imbalances.13
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling.
The modalities dry needling; intramuscular stimulation;
therapeutic massage; Acupuncture; and Transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) can decrease pain, muscle
tenderness and improve function.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition of unknown aetiology. It
represents with generalized pain with fatigue and sleep
disturbances. The patients have depressive or anxiety disorder
and disability and poor quality of life. It is a form of soft tissue
rheumatism, a broad term including a group of disorders that
cause pain and stiffness around the joints, and in muscles and
Symptoms- are generalized body pain with fatigue;
disturbances of sleep, feeling tired, mood alteration
exhaustion, headache and abdominal pain.
Signs- presence of tender points in the muscles. A tender point
on one side of the body usually has a matching tender point in
the same place on the opposite side of the body.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment-includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy.
Nonpharmacological- such as Counselling, relaxation
techniques, mind and body therapy, aquatic exercise training
and cognitive behavioural therapy. The tips to get sound sleep
such as Do not sleep during daytime; avoid exercise, alcohol,
caffeine and tobacco at least 3 hours before going to bed; Do
not watch TV, read or work in bed; sleep at same time each
night and get up at same time in the morning; sleep only in a
bed and relax during weekend period are very effective.
The yoga, relaxation therapies; and Transcutaneous electrical
nerve stimulation are useful.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
CRPS is a regional painful condition. The cause is not known
one theory suggests that CRPS is a result of the triggering of
the immune response. Which results in inflammatory
symptoms of redness, warmth and swelling in the affected
Symptoms- burning with shooting sensation complains of
increased sensitivity to touch i.e. allodynia and report that even
light breeze can precipitate symptoms i.e. hyperalgesia.
Signs- usually neuropathic in nature and manifest near the site
of injury. The patients may have muscle spasm, dystonia,
changes in skin colour, stretching and thinning of skin, dryness
of skin, swelling and changes in skin temperature and trophic
The pain in CRPS is continuous and results in emotional physical
Investigations-apart from routine investigation thermography
is a diagnostic test used to measure the heat emitted by the
body. The use of a colour coded thermogram gives a visual
indication of variations of blood flow in various parts of the
body of the subject. In thermography, temperature is measured
in symmetrical parts of the body. A temperature difference of
greater than 1°C is considered significant.
The other symptoms changes in bone density by dexascan and
bone scintigraphy for vasomotor and trophic changes; EMG
for nerve injury.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. The aim is to
relieve pain to maintain function and to resume a normal life
as best as possible.
For neuropathic pain calcitonin and daily dose of naltrexone
50 mg up to 100mgm maximum per day. A depot preparation
of 350mgm injection per month is given.
Physical Therapy-purpose is to restore and maintain functional
status and attempts to desensitize the affected body.
Psychotherapy- symptoms such as depression, anxiety and
occasionally post-traumatic stress disorder are tackled for
rehabilitation of these patients.
Sympathetic Nerve Block- with local anaesthetic followed by
neurolytic agent or rf ablation and IV injection of phentolamine
into the affected limb as a Bier block; Stellate ganglion nerve
block for upper limb (Fig 13); lumbar sympathetic plexus block
for lower limb. (Fig. 14).
increase in the mount
of dissolved oxygen carried by the blood. This increase allows
oxygenation of ischemic areas with compromised circulation.
HBOT activates oxidant-antioxidant mechanisms via an
endothelial nitric oxide (NO) pathway, which plays a key role
in stimulating secretion of growth factors such as vascular
endothelial growth factor, hypoxia inducible factor-1, and stem
By activating signal transduction cascades, HBOT has been
shown to mediate tissue healing and improve post ischemic
and inflammatory injuries. HBOT may cause an immediate and
prolonged analgesic effect which is initiated and maintained
by NO and NO dependent release of endogenous opioids.
Amputation is done for pain followed by a dysfunctional limb.
Spinal cord stimulator can be used in the treatment of CRPS.
(Fig. 15)
Intrathecal Pumps-are used to treat resistant CRPS to reduce
side effects and patients require large doses of medications.
The medications used include opioids, local anaesthetic,
clonidine, baclofen, and ziconotide.
Ketamine- is given as a low dose sub-anaesthetic infusion of
between 10 and 40 mg per hour for 5 days, under supervision
of physician. Inj. Midazolam 2mg stat followed by 2 mg 2 hours
into the infusion to reduce the hallucinations related to
The clonidine 0.1 mg tablet is given before the infusion to
potentiate the pain-relieving effects of ketamine.
Phantom Limb Pain
Patients may experience both phantom (nonpainful) sensation
and phantom limb pain in amputated and absent limb. There
are three primary theory-are peripheral, spinal plasticity and
cerebral reorganization. Patients describe their pain as burning,
crushing, or feeling like they have been stabbed with needles
in the missing limb; often describe pain in the lower missing
extremity as if their toes were tightly flexed and in the upper
extremities as if their fingers were tightly clenched.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment-includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling.
Other modalities- Mirror Box Manipulation, excision of stump
neuromas, sympathetic blocks, cordotomy, dorsal root entry
Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN)
Pain following an acute infection of Herpes Zoster (HZ),
develops pain along the affected dermatome. The rash of HZ
develops after the pain presents in the dermatome of the
affected nerve. The rash is characterized by blistering and close
groups of red bumps and the affected area appear reddened
and new waves of blisters occur for several days as old lesions
crust over. The rash is associated with viral manifestations, such
as fever, lethargy, as well as lymph adenopathy.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as antivirals, analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants, topical agents; vaccination; physiotherapy and
counselling. Pain blocks such as epidural steroid administration;
sympathetic blockade, intercostal or peripheral nerve blocks
and spinal cord stimulation.
Post-laminectomy Pain
Post-laminectomy pain syndrome specifically refers to
recurrent or persistent pain and disability following surgical
laminectomy. The common causes of failed back surgery
syndrome are: foraminal stenosis; painful disk; pseudarthrosis;
neuropathic pain; recurrent disk herniation; iatrogenic
instability; facet joint pain; sacroiliac joint pain; arachnoiditis
and epidural and perineural fibrosis due to revision surgeries.
Localized tenderness helps to identify the source of pain such
as facet joint, sacroiliac joint, vertebral body or soft tissues.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment- includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling. Pain blocks
such as epidural steroid, facet blocks, medial nerve rf ablation,
epidural adhesiolysis, neuroablation techniques, spinal cord
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
The exact cause of (RLS) is not known and can begin even during
childhood. There is a strong genetic link and the risk factor
can be iron deficiency. The RLS is thought to be caused by,
some type of malfunction of the motor system more specifically
of the dopamine pathway. RLS is a sensory cum motor disorder
and can be
idiopathic or secondary.
RLS is susceptible to middle-aged and elderly, pregnant women,
one with genetic link whose parents had experienced it; one
who has sleep disorder called periodic limb movement and
people on antidepressants.
Symptoms and Signs-are aching, creeping, crawling, restless;
'jimmy legs'; have uncomfortable sensations in their legs (and
sometimes arms or other parts of the body) and an irresistible
urge to move their legs to relieve the sensations. The condition
causes an uncomfortable, ‘itchy,’ ‘pins and needles,’ or ‘creepy
crawly’ feeling in the legs. The sensations are usually worse at
rest, especially when lying or sitting.
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
use of biological agents to
stimulate a healing response in various tissues throughout the
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been useful to treat a variety of
acute and chronic musculoskeletal and spine injuries such as
osteoarthritis, tendinopathy, chondropathy, muscle and
ligamentous tears, disks and spinal bony and soft-tissue
After clinical examination and relevant investigations following
multimodal approach is used.
Treatment-includes medications such as analgesics,
neuropathic pain drugs, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics,
antidepressants; physiotherapy and counselling.
Role of Physiotherapy
Goal- are to provide relief of pain and muscle spasm;
prevention of contractures and deformity; improve and/or
maintain the range of motion and strength; optimize functional
abilities to premorbid levels.
Modalities- Shortwave Diathermy; Ultrasound; Cryotherapy;
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation; Iontophoresis;
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation; Interferential
Current; LASER; Electromyography Biofeedback;
Manual Therapy Techniques- Soft tissue mobilization/Massage
(cross friction, kneading, etc.); Myofascial release that involves
application of a sustained, low pressure force to the myofascial
structures to “free” restricted areas; Craniosacral therapy; Joint
mobilization (spinal and peripheral joints); improve flexibility;
Muscle energy techniques and Kinesio taping to promote
appropriate muscle function and reduce pain.
Role of Psychiatry
Chronic pain can have physical, emotional or cognitive
symptoms or it can be associated with syndromal psychiatric
disorders. The relationship of chronic pain and psychological
stress is probably bidirectional, i.e. each one can lead to and/
or aggravate the other.
Antidepressants; Serotonin-norepinephrine Reuptake
Inhibitors; Tricyclic and Tetracyclic antidepressants; Selective
Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors;
Psychotherapy- helps not only in patients who have comorbid
depression or anxiety but also in those who do not have any
psychiatric comorbidity. Cognitive behaviour therapy helps the
patients learn how to cope effectively with the chronic pain.
Role of Radiation Therapy
Pain initially responds to analgesics, but eventually cocktail of
analgesics fails to suppress pain the radiation is an option to
alleviate pain. There are three types of radiation- alpha, beta
and gamma radiations. All of them kill cancer cells.
The exact mechanism by which radiation alleviates the pain is
not known. One of the mechanisms is that radiation reduces
the tumour size by killing cancer cells and thus the pressure
effect from the tumour mass is relieved, which results in pain
palliation. Another mechanism is inhibition of chemical
mediators of pain. In bone pain, osteolysis is reduced and thus
pain is reduced.
Isotope Therapy- isotopes are phosphorus-32, strontium-89,
samarium-153, rhenium-188, 177-lutetium, radioiodine (131-
I) and radium-223.
Role of Chemotherapy
These modalities can be broadly classified as: Cytotoxic
chemotherapy; Biologic and targeted therapy;
Hormone therapy; Bone-targeted agents.
Cytotoxic Chemotherapy- is useful for pain relief in conditions
where the tumour is directly responsible for pain due to
infiltration of surrounding tissue. For example, in a breast
cancer patient, chemotherapy will decrease the symptoms of
brachial plexopathy, only if it is due to the tumour infiltration
and not the one due to prior radiation therapy.
Biological and Targeted Therapies- help in disease control and
thus the tumour pain. They have better efficacy and toxicity
ratio thus improve the quality of life and pain relief due to
primary and metastatic disease.
Hormone Therapy- Breast and prostate cancer are hormone
dependent cancers (oestrogen and testosterone respectively)
and certain subsets of these cancers respond to hormonal
Steroids like dexamethasone and prednisolone are useful in
relief of cancer pain. Tumours like lymphoma, leukaemia,
myeloma and prostate cancer are steroid responsive and
reduction in tumour size.
Bone-directed Therapies- These drugs do not have a significant
anticancer activity on the tumour per se but work on the bone microenvironment. Bisphosphonates (clodronate,
pamidronate, zoledronic acid and ibandronate) are structural
analogues of pyrophosphates, a naturally occurring component
of bone crystal deposition.
Chemotherapy - agents vinca alkaloids (vincristine, vinblastine)
cause neurotoxicity. Cisplatin linked with neuronal death
leading on to loss of large myelinated nerve fibres can induce
sensory neuropathies
Treatment- for neuropathies following chemo, radiation
therapies are analgesics, neuropathic pain drugs, topical
Role of Oncosurgery- Palliative interventions, (both operative
and nonoperative) are used with noncurative intent to improve
quality of life, pain control, symptom relief and possibly
survival. Surgical palliative procedures fall generally into three
areas of concern, viz. bleeding, obstruction and perforation.
Aims and Objectives: To study the incidence, assess the risk factors and study
the clinical profile of patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy
and the outcome of peripartum cardiomyopathy.
Conclusion:Chronic pain is complex issue, and disease by itself.
Its effects are widely seen in all body systems. The multimodal
approach by involving of many specialists, paramedics and
trained nursing staff to handle these patients with tender care.
The aim is to have Total Pain Relief and Improve Quality of
Recommended Reading :
1- Symptom Oriented Pain Management 2nd Edition- Baheti,
Bakshi, Gupta & Gehdoo by Jaypee Medical Publishers,
New Delhi- 2017
2- Interventional Pain Management 2nd Edition- Baheti,
Bakshi, Gupta & Gehdoo By Jaypee Medical Publishers,
New Delhi- 2016
3- World Clinic Anesth, Crit. Care & Pain Management- Pain
Management issue By Jaypee Medical Publishers, New
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5- DePalma M, Ketchum J, Saullo T. What is the source of
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6- Peng B. Pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of
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7- Schwarzer AC, April CN, Bogduk N. The sacro iliac joint in
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12- Travell JG, Rinzler SH. The myofascial genesis of Pain.
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15- Aynsley-Green A et al: Pain and stress in infancy and
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Address for
How to cite this article : Baheti D. Symptom Oriented Pain
Management- A review. Perspectives in Medical Research
2019; 7(2):4-13
Sources of Support: Nil,Conflict of interest:None declared