A study of acute kidney injury (AKI) with reference to varied
etiology admitted in Intensive care unit of PIMS
Year : 2019 | Volume : 7 | Issue : 2 Page : 67-70
Deepa G
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Prathima institute of medical sciences,
Karimnagar,Telangana, India
*Corresponding author: Department of medicine, Prathima institute of medical science,nagnur road,karimnagar.
Email ID: - deepagandra @yahoo.co.in
AKI is an ailment characterized by a rapid
loss of renal excretory function with an increase in nitrogenous
wastes in blood & with different outcomes.
Aim: -
The study is an attempt to analyze the common
causes & clinical manifestation of AKI in 50 hospitalized patients
at PIMS.
Materials & Methods: 50 Patients (aged = 15 years old)
with AKI presenting to our Hospital ICU were included in this
study during a period of 1 year from February 2015 to February
2016. An etiological analysis, clinical manifestations & type of
AKI were studied in the patients.
Statistical analysis used: - Data analysis was done using
SPSS version 19 (SPSS Inc; Chicago, IL). Data is presented in
form of tables.
Results: - total number of 50 case of ARF patients,
admitted to PIMS, karimnagar,
who met the inclusion criteria were studied. Out of 50
cases studied, 32 (64%) patients were males and 18 (36%) were
females. The age ranged from 20 to 65 yrs. with mean age of
48.1 yrs. 46 (92%) patients had vomiting, 40(80%) had oliguria
, 36(72%) patients had history of fatigue. Fever was seen in
35(70%) cases & 16 (32%) had loose stools. 15 (30%) had
hypotension, 14 (28%) patients had edema & 12 (24%) had
icterus and GPE. Renal ARF was seen in 38(76%) patients, 10
(20%) patients had prerenal ARF & 2 (4%) patients had post
renal ARF.Out of 10 patients with prerenal ARF, 4 (8%) had
acute gastroenteritis,5 (10%) patients had malaria & 1 (2%)
patient had ARF following septicaemia.Out of the 38 (78%)
patients with renal ARF, malaria was seen in 12 (24%) patients,
6 (12%) patients had nephrotoxic ARF, 6
(12%) patients had septicemia. 2 (4%) patients had post
infectious glomerunephritis, 2 (4%) had snake bite & 1 (2%)
had rhabdomyolysis. Acute GE is seen in 5 (10%) patients, CCF
in 1 (2%).Out of 50 patients, 2(4%) patients had post renal ARF
due to bladder outlet obstruction. Among 50 cases, 37 (74%)
patients were managed conservatively & 13 (26%) patients
underwent hemo dialysis. Among the patients managed conservatively 1 (2%) patient died & among those who
underwent hemo dialysis, 4 (8%) patients died.
Conclusion: Renal origin of ARF was identified as the
commonest cause of AKI Followed by pre renal & then post
renal AKI. Higher incidence of infections like Malaria &
leptospirosis causing AKI has been seen in this study.
Keywords: Acute kidney injury, pre renal, renal
Acute renal failure (ARF) or Acute kidney injury( AKI) is
a syndrome characterized by rapid (hours to weeks) decline in
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and retention of nitrogenous
waste products s u c h as blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and
creatinine and perturbation of extra cellular fluid volume and
electrolyte and acid base homeostasis.
ARF is responsible for major morbidity and mortality
of hospitalized patients because of serious nature of the
underlying illness and the high incidence of complications. ARF
is usually asymptomatic and diagnosed when biochemical
monitoring of hospitalized patients reveal a recent increase in
blood urea and creatinine concentration.
The incidence of ARF in hospitalized patients is between
2% and 5% [
2]. In
A study done showed oliguria was common clinical
feature seen in 85.2% of patients followed by clinical features
of encephalopathy, vomiting and acidosis. The most common
causes of ARF are; volume depletion, hypotension, aminogly
coside antibiotics and radio contrast agents. Major surgery is
also an important cause of AKI. Advanced age, liver diseases,
underlying renal insufficiency and diabetes have been
implicated as risk factors for development of acute kidney injury
This is a study of 50 patients who presented with
Symptoms of AKI to PIMS between February 2015 to February
2016. All patients aged more than 15 years with clinical or
Renal failure is really and distressing thing for patient
as well as family. When we studied age and sex statistics of
the AKI patients in rural Telangana ,we noted that , age of the
patients ranged from 20 to 70 years with mean age of 48.1
years. There were 32(64%) were males and 18(36%) were
females. Bernieh B et al[6] in their study of pattern of acute
renal failure( ARF), found that 58% were males and 36% were
females. Mean age of these patients was 56.2 years. In the
present study mean age was less compared to other studies.
In our study, vomiting and oliguria were most common
symptoms comprising of 92% and 80% respectively. This finding
is comparable with other studies done by singhal AS et al.[7],
which showed that oliguria was seen in 85.2% of patients and
that 80% of patients had vomiting. In the present study, fever
was seen in 70% of patients. In our study, hypotension was
seen in 30% of patients. In a study by Bernieh et al.[6], 52% of
patients had hypotension and 20.6% of patients had
hypotension in a study by Singhal AS.
In the present study, 12% of patients had ARF following
drug nephrotoxicity. Lithium induced ARF was seen in one
patient, one patient had received herbal medicine. All patients,
except one, had normal renal function after discontinuation
of drug. Singhal A. S.[7] et al., has reported drug induced ARF in
3% of patients.In the present study, out of 50 patients, 48(96%)
of patients had ARF due to a medical cause and 2(4%) were
due to a surgical cause. In a study done by Gurucharan Avathi[8]
et al., it was found that the highest incidence of ARFattributable
to a medical cause was about 68%, followed by a surgical cause
in 21.2% of patients.
In this present study of 50 cases, about 10(20%) patients
had ARF due to prerenal cause, 5 patients had malaria and 4
had acute gastroenteritis and one patient had septicemia.
However, most of these patients had hypotension. Patients
were treated conservatively, along with the specific treatment
to treat the underlying disease. One patient underwent dialysis.
These results were comparable with the study done by Liano F
et al.,[9] which has shown prerenal ARF was seen in 21% of
In the present study, 38(76%) patients had AKI due to
renal cause. Majority of patients had malaria 12(24%). Other
common presentations were septicaemia in 6(12%) patients,
drug nephrotoxicity 6(12%), leptospirosis 3(6%), snakebite
2(4%), acute gastroenteritis 5(10%),Rhabdomyolysis 1(2%),
congestive cardiac failure 1(2%) and postinfectious
glomerulonephritis was seen in 2(4%) patients. Out of 38 cases,
10 patients underwent haemodialysis, and the rest were
managed conservatively. 34 patients had complete recovery
of renal functions and 4 patients died. However, those patients
who died had septicaemia and associated complications like
respiratory failure. Singhal AS [7] et al., in their study found that malaria was the predominant cause of ARF involving about
46% of patients followed by snakebite (20%) patients, acute
GE 12 % patients, septicemia 12%, drug nephrotoxicity 3% and
acute gastroenteritis in 2% of patients. However in a study done
by Bernieh B [6] et al., septicemia was the predominant cause
of ARF seen in 58% patients followed by drug nephrotoxicity
and rhabdomyolysis in 12% and 9% patients respectively.
In the present study, malaria is the dominant cause of
ARF, probably due to its endemicity in the study place. Out of
50 cases, 17(34%) patients had malaria.
Among this, falciparum was seen in 70% of patients and
vivax malaria was seen in 24% of patients and 6% of patient
had mixed malaria. All these patients with renal failure were
treated conservatively. All these patients resumed normal renal
Prakash J et al[10] in their study of acute renal failure,
15% of patients had malaria. P. Falciparum and P. vivax malaria
were responsible for ARF in 76 (80.9%) and 11(11.7%) of the
Septicemia was next common cause in the present study
among 6(12%) of patients. 3 patients were treated
conservatively. 3 patients underwent haemodialysis and all
these patients died. These patients also had other associated
complications like multi organ failure.
Acute gastroenteritis was seen in 5(10%) of the patients.
Most of these patients had severe dehydration on admission
and hypotension was present in most of these patients. All
these patients were treated conservatively and resumed
normal renal function.
Acute glomerulonephritis was seen in 2(4%)of the
patients. This was proved following renal biopsy and also they
had low serum compliment levels and high ASO titer, which
supported the diagnosis. Both the patients were managed
conservatively and both resumed normal renal function.
In the present study, about 6% of patients had ARF
following leptospirosis. All 3 patients had positive IGM antibody
for leptospira. All 3 patients were managed conservatively and
all patients had resumed normal function.
In the present study, about 2(4%) of the patients had
obstructive uropathy. This was comparable to a study done by
Singhal AS [7] et al., about 5% of patients had obstructive
In this present study series of 50 cases, 45(90%) patients
survived and about 5(10%) patients expired (2 males and 3
female). Mean age of recovered patients was 48.30 years while
mean age of expired patients was 46years.Among 50 cases,
37(74%) of patients were managed conservatively and 13(26%)
patients underwent haemodialysis. Among 37 patients with
conservative management, one patient died whereas 4 patients died who underwent haemodialysis. The survival rate out of
13 patients who underwent dialysis, was 69.3% (had complete
recovery) while 30.7% expired. The survival rate among patients
who were managed conservatively was 97.3%. Most of the
patients who died had septicemia and associated complications
like respiratory failure.
In a study done by Bernieh B et al., 58% of patients
were managed conservatively while 42% patients were
managed with dialysis, but they observed 67% mortality in their
The major risk factors affecting prognosis of the patients
were presence of multi organ failure, high baseline serum
creatinine level and complications developed during the course
of illness. In the present study, mortality was seen among the
patients who had high serum creatinine at admission while
compared to patients that survived.
The overall mortality in the present study is 10%. The
predominant cause was septicemia and associated
complications. Low mortality in our patients may be due to
large number of patients with medical acute renal failure,
younger age, early diagnosis and treatment.
Acute kidney injury is common in India. We studied AKI
in tertiary care hospital catering the needs of rural Telangana.It
showed renal AKI to be most common cause, vomiting to be
most common symptom, and malaria as most common cause
of renal AKI probably due to endemic nature of the disease in
the area. The study highlights that many common causes like
malaria are easily preventable as well as treatable before going
to AKI stage, reducing the economic burden on the society.
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How to cite this article : Deepa G.A study of acute kidney
injury with reference to varied etiology admitted in Intensive
care unit of PIMS. Perspectives in Medical Research 2019;
Sources of Support: Nil,Conflict of interest:None declared