Role of hypothyroidism in dyslipidemia and blood glucose regulation.
Year : 2019 | Volume : 7 | Issue : 2 Page : 56-61
Usha kiran P1, Sandeesha V2, Lakshmana kumar N,3
1Associate Professor, 2Assistant Professor, 3Professor and Head of the Department
Department(s) and institution(s)
Department of Biochemistry, GSL Medical college and General hospital
*Corresponding author: Dr.V.Sandeesha V
Address : Door No- 75-6-34, RK Hospital, Prakashnagar, Near Anand sweets Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh-533103
Phone numbers – 09491959817
Email ID: -
Context: Overt hypothyroidism is an established risk
factor for insulin resistance and hyperlipidemia
Aims: To evaluate the role of thyroid dysfunction on
alteration of glucose and lipid metabolism leading to insulin
resistance, an important risk factor for cardio vascular diseases.
Setting and Design: In this study we included 50
subjects, aged 25 to 35 years. This is a case control study
conducted in department of Biochemistry.
Materials & Methods: Investigations like fasting and
post prandial blood sugar, HbA1c and lipid profile (Cholesterol,
Triglycerides, HDL, LDL & VLDL) were done. Blood pressure was
measured. Body weight and height were measured and BMI
was calculated. All the parameters were analyzed using XL 640
fully automated random access analyzer.
Statistical analysis used: tudent t test was used using
graph pad quickcalcs software.
Results: The cases were selected based on T4 and TSH
concentrations whose values were significantly decreased and
elevated respectively. The patients with hypothyroidism
exhibited significant increase in concentration of total
cholesterol, LDL, fasting blood glucose and HbA1c while HDL
(p<0.05) showed a decrease in its concentration in comparison
to controls. BMI and diastolic blood pressure showed significant
elevation in hypothyroid individuals when compared to
It is evident from this study that insulin resistance bears
an indispensable role in connecting T2DM and thyroid
dysfunction. Cardiovascular events are the counter reflection
of resurgence of heavily disturbed lipid metabolism due to
thyroid dyscrasias.
Keywords: Hypothyroidism, lipid profile, glycated
hemoglobin, blood pressure and BMI
Key Messages: Careful screening of patients with
hypothyroidism is necessary to determine the lipid and diabetic
status with the aim of timely treatment and prevention of the
development of atherosclerosis and potential complications
of atherosclerosis.
Hypothyroidism is defined as a deficiency of thyroid
activity. It results from reduced secretion of total thyroxine
(T4) and triiodothyronin (T3). Hypothyroidism is a clinical
syndrome due to deficiency of thyroid hormones which results
in a generalized slowing down of metabolic process.
1. Overt
hypothyroidism is an established risk factor for insulin
resistance and hyperlipidemia.
Hyperlipidemia is one of the components of metabolic
syndrome. In some studies, metabolic syndrome and its
components (dyslipidemia) are responsible for 25%of the new
onset cardiovascular disease (CVD).
3 Thyroid hormones have
an important regulatory effect on glucose and lipid metabolism,
and blood pressure control.
In iodine-replete areas, most persons with thyroid
disorders have autoimmune disease, ranging from primary
atrophic hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis to
thyrotoxicosis caused by Graves’ disease.5 Thyroid hormone
action has long been recognized as an important determinant
of glucose homeostasis.
6 The role of hyperthyroidism in
diabetes was investigated in 1927, by Coller and Huggins
proving the association of hyperthyroidism and worsening of
diabetes. It was shown that surgical removal of parts of thyroid
gland had an ameliorative effect on the restoration of glucose
tolerance in hyperthyroid patients suffering from coexisting
There is recent trend in cardiovascular sciences towards
assessment of thyroid function in cardiac conditions as there
is relation in between thyroid function and lipid metabolism
which is risk factor for cardiac disease.we try to confirm this
relationship with biochemical assays.

Thyroid hormones up regulate the expression of genes
for GLUT-4 and phosphoglycerate kinase, involved in glucose
transport and glycolysis respectively, thus acting synergistically
with insulin in facilitating glucose disposal and utilization in
peripheral tissue.
22 In hypothyroidism because of altered
metabolism of lipid and insulin, binding of insulin to insulin
receptor decreases.
23 Impaired translocation of GLUT-4 glucose
transporters on plasma membrane occurs, resulting in
decreased glucose uptake in muscles and adipose tissue occurs.
But the results from our study showed only significant (0.003)
elevation in fasting blood glucose in cases when compared to
controls while the post prandial blood glucose do not
significant (0.75) difference between the two groups. Even the
fasting plasma glucose though elevated when compared to
controls the mean value (105) has just crossed the upper
normal limit. This indicates an impaired state with a chance of
development of diabetes in future as the value is significantly
high compared to controls.
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) have
approved the use of HbA1c for the screening and the diagnosis
of diabetes.
24 The HbA1c concentration not only depends on
prevailing glycaemia but also the life span of the erythrocytes
and so, the conditions which affect the erythrocyte turnover
or survival may lead to falsely elevate or lower the HbA1C
25 Recent studies have shown its spurious elevation in
hypothyroidism in the absence of diabetes.
26 Hypothyroidism
is mainly complicated by normocytic normochromic anaemia
which may be early iron deficiency anaemia due to nutritional
deficiency or it may be secondary to hypothyroidism itself.
The aetiology of anaemia in hypothyroidism can be related to
the nutritional iron deficiency or to the endocrine disorder
itself where the lowered thyroid hormone levels represses the
bone marrow often resulting in decreased erythrocyte
production which may affect the life span of erythrocytes.
Altered erythrocyte life span may be partially responsible for
spurious elevation in HbA1C levels.
28-30 The value of HbA1c in
the present study showed significant (0.0001) elevation in the
cases when compared to controls but the value (6.1) does not
cross the cutoff value of diagnosing diabetes. Even the value is
not corresponding to the blood glucose values. It is inconclusive
from this study whether to attribute the elevated HbA1c to
impending diabetes or it is a spurious elevation as hemoglobin
values were not evaluated to compare. Instead of HbA1c, we
might have taken insulin levels which would be a more reliable
parameter to assess glucose status. In Kuwaiti a study done by
Al-Sayed A et al, on women to investigate the correlation
between Subclinical hypothyroidism and insulin resistance,
they found that the insulin levels were significantly higher in
the Subclinical hypothyroidism group comparable to the
normal control.
Long-standing hypothyroidism is associated with several
pathologic cardiovascular manifestations such as decreased
intravascular volume, increased systemic vascular resistance,
and hypertension.
32 Most often, the alterations of cardiac
performance are because of changes in the peripheral
circulation. Hypertension is common in hypothyroidism and
more specifically, diastolic hypertension may be present in
approximately 20% of hypothyroid patients as seen in this study
where there is a significant (0.0001) elevation in diastolic blood
pressure in cases when compared to controls while there is no
(0.73)significant difference in systolic blood pressure between
the two groups..
33 The coexistence of hypertension and lipid
disorders in thyroid failure may accelerate the process of
atherosclerosis. It is noteworthy that it has been demonstrated
that thyroid hormone replacement therapy leads to a
significant improvement of cardiovascular performance.
34 The
decrease in blood pressure requires an optimum hormone
replacement therapy and it might occur over a prolonged time
Thyroid hormone regulates the metabolism of lipids.
Thyroid disease may lead to lipid abnormalities that are
associated with endothelium dysfunction, diastolic
hypertension, and cardiovascular disease .Insulin resistance is
a cardinal feature of type 2 diabetes mellitus and is relatively
frequently found in mild thyroid dysfunction with increased
risk of dyslipidemia. In recent times tremendous interest has
been raised in the influence of thyroid hormone action on
insulin levels. The development of insulin resistance leads to
many metabolic abnormalities
Clinical significance
Thyroid dysfunction leads to altered glucose and lipid
metabolism leading to insulin resistance, which is an important
risk factor for cardio vascular diseases. Early detection of insulin
resistance and prompt intervention for it in hypothyroid
patients will be helpful to decrease cardiovascular morbidity
and mortality. Only treatment of diabetes will not be that
effective to resolve insulin resistance completely. Along with
diabetes treatment, if we check and treat hypothyroidism even
in subclinical stage then it will take care of its contribution to
total insulin resistance.
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How to cite this article : Usha kiran P, Sandeesha V,
Lakshmana kumar N. Role of hypothyroidism in dyslipidemia
and blood glucose regulation. Perspectives in Medical
Research 2019; 7(2):56-61
Sources of Support: Nil,Conflict of interest:None declared