Year : 2019 | Volume : 7 | Issue : 3 Page : 15-21
Ashish Bajaj1, Bibhabati Mishra2, Poonam S Loomba2, Archana Thakur3, Abha Sharma4,
Prachala G Rathod1, Madhusmita Das1, Ashna Bhasin1
1Senior Resident, 2Director Professor, 3Director Professor & Head, 1 Assistant Professor,
Department of Microbiology, Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education
and Research (GIPMER), New Delhi, India
Background: Cryptococcal meningitis has emerged as an important opportunistic central
nervous system (CNS) infection in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive patients. It is
associated with a high mortality rate. Hence early diagnosis is necessary to start appropriate
treatment. Cryptococcosis is generally found in association with acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS) although it has been reported to cause disease in HIV-seronegative patients
Prevalence of Cryptococcal meningitis in a tertiary care centre.
Material & Methods:
A total of 93 Cerebrospinal fluid samples from suspected cases of fungal
meningitis were received in the microbiology department of GB Pant Hospital(GIPMER) from
January to June 2018. Samples were subjected to direct microscopy- wet mount, India ink
preparation and Gram stain, Cryptococcal antigen detection(Latex agglutination), and Fungal
culture. In vitro susceptibility of Cryptococcus isolates to Fluconazole, Voriconazole, 5-
Flucytosine and Amphotericin B was performed using standard broth microdilution method.
Results: Out of 93 CSF samples, 6 were positive for India ink preparation and showed gram
positive budding yeast cells by gram staining. All 6 samples were positive for the cryptococcal
antigen test and fungal culture. Five were identified as C. neoformans and one C. gatti. All strains
were susceptible to Amphotericin B. Four patients were HIV reactive and succumbed to the
diseaseduring treatment. Two patients were found to be coinfected with Hepatitis B virus.
Ashish Bajaj
1, Bibhabati Mishra
2, Poonam S Loomba
2, Archana Thakur
3, Abha Sharma
Prachala G Rathod
1, Madhusmita Das
1, Ashna Bhasin
1Senior Resident,
2Director Professor,
3Director Professor & Head,
4Assistant Professor,
Department of Microbiology, Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education
and Research (GIPMER), New Delhi, India
Cryptococcal meningitis has emerged as an important opportunistic central nervous
system (CNS) infection in immunosuppressed patients.It is associated with a high mortality
rate(>30%) in immunosuppressed patients especially those infected with HIV, hence early
diagnosis is necessary to start appropriate treatment. Prevalence of cryptococcal infection is
increasing in developing nations including India as per some recent studies.(1)
Conclusion: Index of suspicion of Cryptococcus infection as a possible cause of meningitis must
be considered in chronic meningitis cases. Microscopy (India ink preparation) may be used as a
cheap and rapid diagnostic tool.
Keywords: Chronic meningitis, HIV, Cryptococcus, India ink
Background: Cryptococcal meningitis has emerged as an important opportunistic central
nervous system (CNS) infection in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive patients. It is
associated with a high mortality rate. Hence early diagnosis is necessary to start appropriate
treatment. Cryptococcosis is generally found in association with acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS) although it has been reported to cause disease in HIV-seronegative patients
Prevalence of Cryptococcal meningitis in a tertiary care centre.
Material & Methods: A total of 93 Cerebrospinal fluid samples from suspected cases of fungal
meningitis were received in the microbiology department of GB Pant Hospital(GIPMER) from
January to June 2018. Samples were subjected to direct microscopy- wet mount, India ink
preparation and Gram stain, Cryptococcal antigen detection(Latex agglutination), and Fungal
culture. In vitro susceptibility of Cryptococcus isolates to Fluconazole, Voriconazole, 5-
Flucytosine and Amphotericin B was performed using standard broth microdilution method.
Results: Out of 93 CSF samples, 6 were positive for India ink preparation and showed gram
positive budding yeast cells by gram staining. All 6 samples were positive for the cryptococcal
antigen test and fungal culture. Five were identified as C. neoformans and one C. gatti. All strains
were susceptible to Amphotericin B. Four patients were HIV reactive and succumbed to the
diseaseduring treatment. Two patients were found to be coinfected with Hepatitis B virus.
Ashish Bajaj1, Bibhabati Mishra
2, Poonam S Loomba
2, Archana Thakur
3, Abha Sharma4,
Prachala G Rathod
1, Madhusmita Das
1, Ashna Bhasin
1Senior Resident,
2Director Professor,
3Director Professor & Head,
4Assistant Professor,
Department of Microbiology, Govind Ballabh Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education
and Research (GIPMER), New Delhi, India
Cryptococcal meningitis has emerged as an important opportunistic central nervous
system (CNS) infection in immunosuppressed patients.It is associated with a high mortality
rate(>30%) in immunosuppressed patients especially those infected with HIV, hence early
diagnosis is necessary to start appropriate treatment. Prevalence of cryptococcal infection is
increasing in developing nations including India as per some recent studies.(1)
Cryptococcosis is most commonlyassociated with patients suffering from acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) but also being reported in HIV seronegative patients.(2)
Cryptococcal infection occurs through inhalation of fungal spores and their spread via
hematogenous route with an increased predisposition for the central nervous system leading to
lethal disease. Clinical manifestations include fever, disorientation, headache, various neural
dysfunctions etc. Suspected cases of fungal meningitis in immunocompromised as well as
immunocompetent patients warrants for cerebrospinal fluid examination to rule out Cryptococcus
as a probable etiology. Here we studied the prevalence of cryptococcal meningitis alongwith their
laboratory findings and antifungal susceptibility in a tertiary care centre.
Cryptococcosis is most commonlyassociated with patients suffering from acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) but also being reported in HIV seronegative patients.(2)
Cryptococcal infection occurs through inhalation of fungal spores and their spread via
hematogenous route with an increased predisposition for the central nervous system leading to
lethal disease. Clinical manifestations include fever, disorientation, headache, various neural
dysfunctions etc. Suspected cases of fungal meningitis in immunocompromised as well as
immunocompetent patients warrants for cerebrospinal fluid examination to rule out Cryptococcus
as a probable etiology. Here we studied the prevalence of cryptococcal meningitis alongwith their
laboratory findings and antifungal susceptibility in a tertiary care centre.
A cross-sectional study was conducted in Microbiology department of Govind Ballabh
Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (GIPMER), New Delhi from
January to June 2018. A total of 93 Cerebrospinal fluid samples from suspected cases of fungal
meningitis were included in the study. Processing of all samples were done for Direct microscopy
including wet mount, India ink preparation and Gram stain. Serological test was performed for
Cryptococcal antigen detection(Latex agglutination (Pastorex Crypto Plus by BIO-RAD) on all
CSF samples. Fungal culture was performed on two sets of SDA (Sabouraud's Dextrose Agar)
and incubated at 25°C and 37°C, for 4 weeks. Identification was done as per colony morphology,
spherical yeast cells on staining and positive urease test in case of Cryptococcus neoformans.
Speciation of yeast isolate was performed with Automated (Vitek 2-compact by Biomerieux)
systems and Antifungal Susceptibility testing by Standard broth microdilution method.
Out of 93 CSF samples received from suspected fungal meningitis cases, 6 were positive
for India ink preparation and showed gram positive budding yeast cells by gram staining. The
prevalence of cryptococcal meningitis in present study was 6.45% (6/93). All 6 samples were
positive for cryptococcal antigen test and Fungal culture on SDA. Risk factors and light
microscopic findings are depicted in Table 1. Four patients were HIV reactive and succumbed to
disease during the treatment. Two patients were found to be coinfected with Hepatitis B.Five
strains were identified as C. neoformans and one as C. gatti. All strains were susceptible to
Amphotericin B. One strain was resistant to fluconazole. Antifungal susceptibility of all
cryptococcal isolates with their minimum inhibitory concentration (MICs) is compiled in Table 2.
Gram stain (1a,1b) and India ink (2a,2b) findings are shown in Figure 1 & 2, respectively. Table 3
depicts the occurrence of presenting symptoms of patients with cryptococcal meningitis.
Cryptococcal meningitis is one of the most common fatal opportunistic infection found in
patients suffering from HIV and AIDS. In these patients the disease is almost incurable due to
persisting comorbidities. Clinical presentation and the course of meningitis are usually indolent
with symptoms starting over 1-3 weeks. Usual symptoms are headache and altered mental
status, including personality changes, and confusion. In this study, headache and fever were
most common presenting symptoms followed by vomiting and altered sensorium. Similar
findings were reported by study done in 2017.(3-4)
Recent reports have described catastrophic loss of vision in patients without evidence of
endophthalmitis. The funduscopic examination was either normal or revealed evidence of
papilledema.(5)We got similar finding of papilledema in 2(33.33%) cases.Study in 2017 reported
7 cases with papilledema.(3)
HIV infection is the strongest of all known risk factors for the development of tuberculosis.
Adequate cell mediated immunity is the crucial host defence against M. tuberculosis. As HIV
infection primarily affects the components of cellmediated immunity, thus latent tuberculosis
infection gets reactivated in this stratum of patients. Moreover, the infection is poorly contained
following reactivation, resulting in widespread dissemination causing extrapulmonary
disease.(6)Among HIV positive patients in present study, we found 3/4(75%) cases suffering
from tuberculosis as similar finding. A study in 2017 reported that out of 97 cases investigated, 19
cases were coinfected with tuberculosis.(3)
In present study, 4 HIV positive patients died due to complications arising as a result of
Cryptococcosis. Recent study also quoted Cryptococcal meningitis as a common and fatal
opportunistic neuroinfection seen in immunosuppressed as well as few immunocompetent
individuals. Clinical manifestations include acute or subacute fever, headache, vomiting, and
focal neurological deficits.(7)
We found one non-HIV patient with C.gattii infection which supports the evidence that
strains of C. neoformans var. gattii generally infect apparently normal hosts and rarely infect AIDS
patients.(5) Both non-HIV patients took full course of treatment but was lost on follow up after
discharge from hospital.
India ink and Cryptococcal antigen test in CSF was positive in all patients. Similar finding
was observed in study done in a tertiary care hospital in North India.(8) This proves the
importance of simple microscopic techniques which can be used as a tool of initial investigation at
primary health centres and thus help in early diagnosis and treatment.
The prevalence of Cryptococcal meningitis (6.45%) in the present study is quite lower as
compared to various other Indian studies (Table 4) done in previous years, which may be
primarily due to less duration of study and lower sample size.Recent studies from Indian
subcontinent compiled in Table 4 denotes the higher prevalence and mortality in patients
diagnosed with cryptococcal meningitis.
Increased number of cases of chronic meningitis diagnosed as cryptococcal meningitis in
both immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients is alarming and steps should be
ensured to early diagnosis and treatment of the same.
Index of suspicion of Cryptococcus infection as a possible cause of meningitis must be
considered in chronic meningitis cases. Microscopy (India ink preparation) may be used as
cheap rapid diagnostic tool.Early diagnosis and prompt treatment of meningitis are of paramount
importance in reducing the morbidity and mortality in both HIV infected and non HIV infected
We would to like acknowledge Dr. Immaculata Xess, Department of Microbiology, All India
Institute of Medical Sciences(AIIMS), New Delhi for help in identification and antifungal
susceptibility testing.
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