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Original Articles

Demographic and Geographic Distribution of Sickle Cell Disease in Gondia District of Central India; A Hospital Based Study.

Year : 2020 | Volume : 8 | Issue : 1 Page : 59-63

Dr. Pallavi Janrao Kamble1, Dr. Sankalp Kumar Tripathi2*

1 Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Government Medical College, Gondia, Maharashtra, India

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, ABV Government Medical College, Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh, India

Corresponding author: Dr. Sankalp Kumar Tripathi, Assistant Professor, ABV Government medical college, Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh, India. Mob. +91-7276384613, Mail ID: drskt20@gmail.com

Address: Flat 304 Block 7 Govt. Medical College campus, Vidisha-464001, Madhya Pradesh, India.


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