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Original Articles

Single stage Large LR recession with or without MR resection and its motor outcomes in Concomitant Exotropia

Year : 2020 | Volume : 8 | Issue : 3 Page : 25-28

Nalini Jayanthi B1, Y Raman2, N Sunitha3

*1. Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology,Government Medical College, Nalgonda

*2. Professor of ophthalmology,Department of pediatric ophthalmology and neuroophthalmology. Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital,Hyderabad.

*3. Civil Assistant surgeon,Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital,Hyderabad

*Corresponding author

* Dr.Y.Raman, M.S., Professor of ophthalmology, Department of pediatric ophthalmology and neuroophthalmology. Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital, Hyderabad.
DOI: 10.47799/pimr.0803.06


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