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Original Articles

A cross-sectional study of factors determining empathy levels among undergraduate medical students of a medical college in Northern Telangana.

Year : 2020 | Volume : 8 | Issue : 3 Page : 49-55

R. Shiv Kumar1, Puli SK2, P.Kishan2, Sanjay ND3, Pusukuri Sphurthi4, Ayesha Sultana4, Kashif Momin5

*1. Assistant Professor, Department Of Psychiatry, Prathima Institute Of Medical Sciences, Nagunoor, Karimnagar, Telangana.

*2. Professor & Head Department of Psychiatry, Prathima Institute Of Medical Sciences, Nagunoor, Karimnagar

*3. Resident, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagunoor, Karimnagar,

*4. Post Graduate, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagunoor, Karimnagar

*5. Associate Professor, Department Of SPM, PIMS. Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagunoor, Karimnagar

*Corresponding author

*Dr. Sai Krishna Puli, Professor, Department Of Psychiatry. Prathima Institute Of Medical Sciences, Nagunoor, Karimnagar, Telangana, PIN -505001 Email:kannap103@gmail.com Contact: 9849529800
DOI: 10.47799/pimr.0803.11


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