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Case Reports

Left Atrial Myxoma Presenting As a Stroke – An Unusual Case Scenario

Year : 2021 | Volume : 9 | Issue : 1 Page : 84-86

Mounika Pinninti1, B.Syandhika1,Kasturi Ravinder Reddy2,Nikhil Mudgalkar3,Ashish Baviskar4

Date of receiving: 22/1/2021

Date of review: 5/2/2021

Date of acceptance: 27/3/2021

11. Junior resident in Department of General medicine, Prathima institute of medical sciences, NagnurRoad, Karimnagar

2.Professor and Head of department of Medicine and consultant cardiologist,Prathima institute of medical sciences,NagnurRoad,Karimnagar

3. Professor, Departmentof Anesthesia, Prathima institute of medical sciences, Nagnur Road, Karimnagar

4.Head of department,Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery

Corresponding author :

Dr.K.RavinderReddy, Professor and Head of department of Medicine and consultant cardiologist, Prathima institute of medical sciences, Nagnur Road, Karimnagar




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