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Original Articles

A Prospective Study Of Management of Fracture Shaft Femur by Closed Interlocking Nail in adults

Year : 2021 | Volume : 9 | Issue : 1 Page : 21-25

Goyal Ankesh1, Beniwal Brijmohan2, Marotia Anilkumar33

Date of Receiving: 23-01-2021

Date of Peer review 9-02-2021

Date of Acceptance: 12-02-2021

*1. Associate Professor, Department of orthopaedics, Jaipur National University institute of medical sciences and research centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan

2. Consultant, Beniwal Ortho and Maternity Centre, Hanumangarh, Rajasthan

3. Senior resident, Department of orthopaedics, Jaipur National University institute of medical sciences and research centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Corresponding Author:Dr. Ankesh Goyal, Department of orthopaedics, Jaipur National University institute of medical sciences and research centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan

DOI: 10.47799/pimr.0901.05


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