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Original Articles

Analysis of Causes of Discarding Blood and its Components in a Blood Bank:A Cross-sectional study.

Year : 2021 | Volume : 9 | Issue : 2 Page : 6-9

Sunita B Patil1, Akshay P Vadavadgi2, Basanagouda K Patil3*, Suchita V Deshmukh4, Trupti K Gade5, Pradnya M Chimankar2

Date of receiving 27/02/2021

Date of peer review 25/3/2021

Date of Acceptance 29/4/2021

1. Associate professor, Dept. of Pathology, D.Y. Patil Medical college, Kolhapur

2. Postgraduate student, Dept. of Pathology, D.Y. Patil Medical college, Kolhapur

3. Associate Professor, Dept of Community medicine, PIMS&R, Islampur.

4. Assistant professor, Dept. of Pathology, D.Y. Patil Medical college, Kolhapur.

>5. Quality manager, Jeevandhara Blood Bank, Kolhapur

*Corresponding Author:

: Dr. Basanagouda K Patil, Associate professor, Dept of Community medicine, PIMS&R, Islampur, Sangli. Email id: drbkpatilss@gmail.com



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