Ashwaaq1, Ch.Ravindar Rao2, S.Ramchander 3 ,K.Nageshwar Rao4
1Postgraduate student ,2,3Professor,4Assistant Professor ,Department of General Surgery, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimnagar,Telangana,India.
Address for correspondence: Dr.Ashwaaq, Postgraduate student,Department of General Surgery,Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimnagar,Telanagana,India.
Desmoid tumour also known as aggressive fibromatosis, are benign tumours arising from
musculoaponeurotic structure, it lacks ability to metastasize,it can infiltrate locally and recurrence is common. These tumours are mostly seen in female of reproductive age during and after pregnancy. We report a young female patient with giant desmoid tumour of anterior abdominal wall. Preoperative evaluation was done, histological and imaging modalities revealed desmoid tumour . Wide local excision with the defect repaired primarily was done.
Keywords :Desmoid tumour, wide local excision,recurrence,anterior abdominal wall
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