Demian Arturo Herrera Morban
Address for correspondence: Dr. Demian Arturo Herrera Morban,Pediatrician. Acute Watery Diarrhea Unit. Hospital Infantil Dr. Robert Reid Cabral; Distrito Nacional, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
Phone : +1(829) 712-1824
Av. Abraham Lincoln #2. Santo Domingo; D.N., República Dominicana
Introduction: The first 1000 days of the infant development are utmost important in the neuro-cognoscitive development of the individual; diverse factors modify the intestinal microbiome of the offspring, beginning with the characteristics of the mothers diet, mode of delivery, use of antibiotics, breastfeeding practice, moment of weaning, and many others; the purpose of this review is to state the diverse factors that affect the development of the microbiome and how it affects the brain functionality by altering the gut-brain interaction because of the changes regarding neurotransmisor production and other changes regarding brain functionality and its posterior outcome on the cognoscitive development and behaviour.
Keywords : Childhood development, microbiome, enteric nervous system, central nervous system and breastfeeding.
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