Jagan Mohan Varakala1, Sreeram Reddy M2, Amith kumar Ch3 ,Laxman Kumar ch4
1Junior resident, 2Professor and Head, 3Associate Professor,4Professor,Department of Paediatrics,Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimnagar,Telangana,India.
Address for correspondence: Dr.Jagan Mohan, Junior resident,Department of Paediatrics, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimnagar,Telanagana,India.
Email: jegonmd7717@gmail.com
Holt–Oram syndrome (H-O.S) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by mild-to-severe congenital cardiac defects and skeletal abnormalities of the upper limbs. The most common cardiac disorder is an ostium secundum atrial septal defect (ASD), followed by ventricular septal defect (VSD) . 1 out of 100,000 live births are affected. More than 300 cases have been published,revealing a wide spectrum of clinical signs. Persistant Pulmonary hypertension is not reported to belong to the spectrum of this condition. We report a case of a newborn with Holt–Oram syndrome who developed severe respiratory insufficiency shortly after birth.
Keywords :Holt-Oram syndrome - congenital heart defects - septal defects limb anomalies
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