P L John Israel1, K Ravinder Reddy2, K Ranjith Kumar3, A Akarsh4
Address for correspondence: Dr. P L John Israel, Professor & Head, Department of General Medicine, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, Telangana State, India.
Email: drpljohnisrael@yahoo.co.in
Introduction: An increasing number of young adults are presenting with ST elevated Myocardial Infarction(STEMI).With urbanization, emerging economy, and a growing middle class adopting western diet, the prevalence of risk factors for Coronary artery disease (CAD) are increasing rapidly and contributing to CAD in the young. We sought to study the clinical profile, risk factors and angiographic profile in young patients ≤ 45 years of age presenting with STEMI in our institute.
Material and Methods: 50 consecutive patients aged ≤45 years presenting with acute STEMI were taken into the study during the period February 2014 to February 2015.In all the patients, the symptomatology, risk factor analysis, coronary angiogram and management were recorded and analyzed.
Results: Most of the patients were males in their 4th decade. Chest pain was the main symptom. Smoking was most common risk factor in 39/50 (78%) patients. Anterior wall MI was the most common presentation in 29/50 (58%) percent of patients. Angiography results showed Single vessel disease (SVD) in 35/50 (70%) patients.
Conclusion: STEMI in the young is a disease of men. They tend to have less extensive coronary lesions. Quitting smoking would play key role in preventing MI in the young adults.
Keywords : ST elevation MI, Risk factors, Single Vessel Disease, Angiogram.
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