R Karthik Reddy1, M Nagendra Babu 2, J Mothilal3 , K Ravikanth4, V Abhilash Rao5
1Postgraduate Student, 2Professor & Head, 3Professor, 4Associate Professor,5Assistant Professor, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, Telangana, India.
Address for correspondence: Dr.R Karthik Reddy, Postgraduate Student, Department of Orthopedics, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, Telanagana, India.
Email: karthikreddyratna@gmail.com
Introduction: Coronal shear fractures of the distal humerus involving capitellum and trochlea are rare injuries account for less than 1% of elbow fractures.Isolated fracture of the capitellum is rare.These are rare fractures with articular complexity and are technically challenging for management.With better understanding of the anatomy and imaging advancements,the complex nature of these fractures is well appreciated now.These fractures involve metaphyseal comminution of lateral column and associated intraarticular injuries are common.We present clinical and radiological data on a single case of a fracture capitellum.We came across a 15 year adoloscent male who sustained an isolated Hahn steinthal type of fracture.It was treated by open reduction internal fixation with herbert screws and additional K wires to supplement metaphyseal comminution.The elbow was immobilized for 4 weeks.The patient regained full range of motion 12 weeks postoperatively.We reiterate that anatomical reduction and Internal fixation is the right way to treat this injury.
Keywords : Capitellum, Hahn Steinthal fragment, Open reduction & internal fixation.
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