Rajesh Gudipudi1, AbhinavKiran Gudise2, Ramanachari Chakravartula3, Ravikanth Lakkepuramm,4, Sreepathy Naidu Tekyam5
1 Assistant Professor,2Post Graduate,3Professor and Head,4Associate Professor,5Post Graduate Department of ENT,Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences,Nagunur,Karimnagar,Telangana
Address for correspondence: Dr Gudipudi Rajesh, Assistant Professor, Department of ENT
Prathima Institute of Medical sciences,Nagunur,Karimnagar,Telangana.
Email: drgudipudirajesh@gmail.com
Introduction: Kimura’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown aetiology. The classical triad includes painless subcutaneous mass in head and neck, eosinophilia and elevated serum immunoglobulin levels. Kimura’s disease is rare, besides can produce a diagnostic confusion as seen in our case deviating from its triad of presentation described in literature.A 14 year male child came with painless swelling over right post auricular region since 6 months. He had surgical excision for similar swelling at same site one year back. Complete surgical excision was done and sent for histopathology, which was reported, Kimura’s disease. After 3 years of follow up there was no recurrence. Our case showed Kimura’s disease can present with normal eosinophil count and serum immunoglobulin levels and histopathology alone is confirmatory. We also suggest surgery is the treatment of choice for Kimura’s disease either in primary or recurrence.
Keywords : Kimura’s, Lymphadenopathy, Painless swelling
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