S.Srikanth1,R.Vamshi Krishna2
1Associate Professor,Department of Pathology, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimnagar,Telanagana,2Consultant Pathologist,Sri Vaishnavi Diagnostics,Mancheryal,Telangana,India.
Address for correspondence: Dr.S.Srikanth, Associate Professor,Department of Pathology, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimnagar, Telangana,India
Email: drshastrysri@yahoo.com
The ovaries, which together measures only 14 grams in the adult, are the source of variety of neoplasms which is unequaled in any other organ. Such a variety of neoplasms are attributed to the multiple hormonal stimuli and alterations it undergoes from the neonatal period to the menopause. Brenner tumours are uncommon adenofibromas in which the epithelial component consists of nests of transitional cells resembling those lining the urinary bladder. Less frequently the nests contain microcysts or glandular spaces lined by coloumnar, mucin secreting cells.For unknown reasons Brenner tumours are occasionally encountered in mucinous cystadenomas.
Keywords :Brenner tumour, benign, borderline, maliganant Brenner.
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