Vidhya Wilson1, Srikanth Shastry2
1Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, 2Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagunur, Karimnagar, Telangana,India.Introduction: Many factors influence the students to choose medical profession as their career. These factors may further have an influence on their academic performance, their wellbeing and later on their service to mankind. Information concerning the career aspirations is also important for planning the health care human resource in various specialties as well as in different regions of the country. Hence, the study was undertaken with the following objectives: 1) To assess the career aspirations of medical students 2) To determine the factors influencing the career aspirations.
Objectives: To assess the career aspirations of medical students and to determine the factors influencing the career aspirations
Materials and Methods :A cross sectional study was done among the final year (Part I) medical students in north Telangana during November- December 2016. A self administered semi structured questionnaire was used for collecting the data after obtaining an informed verbal consent. Total 115 students participated in the study. Data was analyzed by calculating the percentages and applying the chi square test.
Results :Out of 115 students, 69 (60%) had chosen the profession with personal interest, whereas 40 (34.8%) to fulfill parents wish. 107 (93.1%) students would like to pursue specialization. 60 (56.1%) preferred clinical subjects. 47 (43.9%) were still undecided regarding the field for specialization. Majority i.e., 69 (60%) would work in urban areas and 26 (22.6%) in rural areas. 46 (40%) have plans to pursue career in other field, even after completing medical education.
Conclusion :Personal interests as well as to fulfill parents wish were the most common reasons for choosing medical profession. Majority of the students prefer specialization in clinical subjects and would like to work in urban areas.
Key words :Career, aspirations, medical students.
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