Arvind R1, Y Sowmya2, Jaganmohan Rao3
1Associate Professor,2Postgraduate student,3Senior resident, Department of Ophthalmology, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagunur, Karimnagar,Telangana, India
Address for correspondence: Dr.Arvind R , Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, Telangana, India.
Introduction: Posner Schlossman Syndrome (PSS), otherwise known as glaucomatocyclitic crisis, is an uncommon form of open angle glaucoma. This unilateral condition typically affects young to middle-aged individuals and is characterized by recurrent episodes of mild, nongranulomatous anterior uveitis with markedly elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). Some patients may have associated systemic disorders, mostly of allergic and gastrointestinal origin. A possible role of herpes simplex virus infection has also been postulated. PSS is characterized by recurrent, unilateral attacks of acute ocular hypertension associated with a mild anterior uveitis. It was first described by Posner and Schlossman in 1948. Although intraocular pressure is severely elevated, the anterior chamber angle is open. Ocular hypertension mostly becomes normal after 1 month with reduction of ocular inflammation. IOP is normal in the convalescent stage. An acute elevation of IOP is accompanied by or followed within a few days by a mild, often symptomless uveal inflammation. The mild nature of the uveitis at presentation of the first attack may go undetected. Medical treatment is indicated to prevent pressure-related optic nerve damage and to reduce inflammation. We here present a case of PSS in a 23 years old female patient which is a rare condition.
Keywords :: Posner Schlossman syndrome, Glaucomatocyclitis crisis, Intraocular pressure, Inflammation, Visual field
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