G Ashrith goud 1, C Vikas2, T Ramesh3
1Postgraduate student, 2 Professor, 3Professor and Head, Department of Radiology,
Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, Telangana, India.
Address for correspondence: Dr. G.Ashrith goud, Postgraduate student, Department of Radiology, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, Telangana, India.
Email: ashrith9966090545@gmail.com
Introduction :Moya Moya disease is an entity, which represents chronic idiopathic non-inflammatory progressive occlusion of circle of Willis, which in course of time leads to development of collateral vessels. It is more common in Japanese individuals.
This should be considered as a differential in young stroke. Here we present a case of 8-year-old young female with right hemiparesis and headache with a known history of seizure disorder.
Keywords :Moya Moya , puff of smoke, IVY sign
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