Spectrum of Bacteriological study of throat swabs with an indicator of
Re-emergence of Diphtheria in MGM Hospital, Warangal
Year : 2019 | Volume : 7 | Issue : 1 Page : 18-20
G V Padmaja1, Mrudula2, Jyothi3
1Associate Professor,2Post Graduate,3,Assistant Professor,Department of Microbiology, Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal- Telangana state – India
Address for correspondence: : Dr. G V Padmaja, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal- Telangana State – India.
Email: goteti.padmaja@gmail.com
Introduction: Wide spectrum of bacteriological study for different types of throat infections are done routinely which are ranging from upper respiratory tract infections to dreadful diseases like Diphtheria and pertusis etc. with the advent of vaccinations schedule, vaccine preventable diseases declined remarkably and also there is continuous decline after launch of expanded program of immunization in 1977. Diphtheria surged into spotlight with a spike in 1990s. Cases strength much older than with 64-76% among those aged 15 years or older. Other bacteriological isolates are coagulase positive staphylococci, streptococcus pneumonia, klebsiella pneumonia, E. coli, proteusspecies and ESBL, MBL producing resistant strains.
Objectives: To know the routine bacteriological isolates and rare isolates like Diphtheria in cultures of throat swab, administration of booster doses and also to know the emergence of multi resistant ESBL and MBL producing gram negative bacteria
Materials and Methods : 84 throat swabs received to bacteriological section in the department of Microbiology, MGM Hospital were cultured and subjected to direct smear examination, culture and sensitivity and any evidence of production ESBLs and MBLs. Throat swabs with suspected signs of diphtheria cases were also processed for Corynebacterium diphtheria and later subjected to Kirby bauer test of antibiogram.
Results:: After processing these 84 throat swabs non pathogenic organisms were isolated in 56 (66%) throat swabs. Routine bacteriological isolates like Klebsiella species – 6 (7.14%), coagulase positive staphylococci 6 (7.14%), Streptococcus pneumonia – 5(6%), Diphtheria -3 (3.57%), Proteus species –4 (4.7%), E. coli – 2 (2.4%) and gram negative bacilli with evidence of ESBLs – 2 (2.4%). Male preponderance is seen with 58.9%.
Conclusion:Routine bacteriological study of throat swabs should include the study of ESBLs and MBLs producing resistant strains and screening of Corynebacterium diphtheria, whenever there is supportive evidence of history and clinical features of diphtheria.
Keywords:Throat swabs, Reemergence, Diphtheria cases, ESBL and MBL strains