Haseeb-ul-haq 1, Ch Amith Kumar2, Raghunath.S V3
1,3 Assistant Professor,2Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar,Telangana.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Haseeb-ul-haq, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar,Telangana,India.505417
Email: drhuh143in@gmail.com
Background : The population clock on every day morning, shows that in spite of so many family planning projects, the population of India is increasing at rapid rate.
Objectives: To determine the Clinical Predictors of Hypoxemia in Acute respiratory tract infections ( ARI) in children aged 6 to 60 months and to study the incidence of ARI with Hypoxemia.
Materials and Methods :A Prospective observational study carried on 138 children between the age of 6 to 60 months presenting with a complaint of cough or difficulty in breathing were assessed between September 2016-February 2017. Hypoxemia is defined as arterial saturation of oxygen less than 90% (SPO2<90%) recorded by portable pulse oximeter.
Results :: Out of 138 children , Prevalence of hypoxemia in children with ARI was 28.26 %
(39/138). Clinical predictors significantly associated with hypoxemia are Tachypnea in 28.20%(11/39) , chest indrawing in 20.51%(8/39), and difficult breathing in 7.69%(3/39),On assessment, none of the children with URI had hypoxemia but the incidence increases with the increasing severity of ARI.
Conclusion :The increasing frequency of hypoxemia in children with more severe illness and the clinical predictors identified in the study validate the WHO classification of ARI based on severity. Simple clinical signs can still be used to identify hypoxemia, classify ARI and administer oxygen.
Keywords :ARI, Hypoxemia, Clinical predictors, Pulse oximeter
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