Mahathi Thotakura1 ,(Maj) SumaKaza2, K. Visweswara Rao3, R. Nageswara Rao4
1Assistant Professor, 3 Professor, 4 Professor & HOD , Department of Pathology, Katuri Medical College and Hospital,Guntur.2Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally, Telangana.( Former Assistant Professor, KaturiMedical College and Hospital, Guntur.)
Address for correspondence: Dr (Maj.) Suma Kaza, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences,Narketpally,Telangana,India.
Bakground: Inflammatory disease of the gallbladder is called cholecystitis. Platelets plays a key role in both vascular and inflammatory diseases.Mean platelet volume (MPV) value is proposed to be an indicator of inflammation.
Objective : To evaluate MPV values in patients with acute and chronic cholecystitis
Materials and Methods :The present study is a prospective study conducted between April2015 to April 2016 in a tertiary care rural hospital . All gallbladder specimens received after cholecystectomy surgery were submitted to detail gross and microscopic examination. MPV values were collected preoperatively from routine Complete Blood Picture report in PENTRA 60 HORIBA haematology analyzer on that same day. Statistical analysis was done using MS Excel and SPSS software.
Results :In the present study samples from 24 acute cholecystitis patients, 28 chronic cholecystitis patients and 30 healthy controls were analysed for MPV and WBC counts. MPV values were detected as 6.6±0.2 in acute cholecystitis group, 8.5±0.2 in chronic cholecystitis group, and 8.5±0.3 in control group.
Conclusion : Values of MPV are variable and individuals with AcuteCholecystitis are having low MPV values when compared with Chronic cholecystitis individuals and controls respectively.
Keywords :Mean platelet volume, White blood cell counts, Inflammatory markers , Cholecystitis.
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