Y Narendra1 , Inavolu Sathya Pramod2, C R K Prasad3 , Bharath4 , Samir Ahmad5
1Associate Professor,3Professor,4,5Postgraduate Student,Department of General Surgery, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimnagar,Telangana,2Senior Resident, Department of General Surgery, Osmania Medical College,Telangana,India.
Address for correspondence: Dr Y.Narendra, Associate Professor , Department of General Surgery, Prathima Medical College, Karimnagar, Telangana, India
Email: ynarendra.dr@gmail.com
Introduction: One of the most dangerous diseases of GIT is Acute Pancreatitis (AP). Its onset, the illimitable agony which accompanies it, the mortality, all render it the most formidable of catastrophes. Uniformly, severity & scoring systems are cumbersome. There is no laboratory test practically available or consistently accurate to predict its severity. To determine it, close examination to assess early fluid losses, hypovolemic shock, and symptoms suggestive of organ dysfunction is critical. This work aims to assess the above factors in a rural setting near Karimnagar, Telangana State, India
Aims & objective : This study was conducted to determine to study all aspects of the 50 consecutive patients with Acute Pancreatitis.
Materials and Methods :This descriptive study was performed among 50 individuals from whom informed consent was taken and each patient was admitted into the ward or ICU. After history taking and physical examination, patients underwent various routine investigations. They were scored for predictability of disease severity by APACHE II scoring system.
Results :Among 50 patients, 31 were classified as mild pancreatitis, 9 patients as moderate pancreatitis, and 10 patients severe pancreatitis. 2 patients out of the severe pancreatitis group expired. The etiology of AP was alcohol in 27 subjects of studied. Most common symptom was upper abdominal pain followed by nausea or vomiting.
Conclusion : AP was found to be common in males with alcohol being most common etiology and patients with high APACHE scoring had more incidence of pancreatic necrosis, organ failure, duration of hospital stay and complications were on rise with increase in CTSI, se creatinine.
Keywords : Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation Score, CT scoring index , Intra abdominal pressure, Blood urea nitrogen
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