G.V. Padmaja
1Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal, Telangana, India.
Address for correspondence: Dr.G.V.Padmaja, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal, Telangana, India.
Email: goteti.padmaja@gmail.com
Introduction: According to WHO, we stand nakedly in front of a pandemic as mortal as any pandemic there has ever been. There exists a synergistic relation between HIV infection and high risk behavior. The incidence of HIV infection in high risk groups like persons attending to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) out patients clinics, female sex workers and homosexuals(MSM),migrants, truck drivers, intravenous drug users(IDU) and inmates of central prison. All the persons will show high risk behavior to spread the deadly pandemic AIDS and other STDs.
Objective : 1 . To know the HIV seropositivity in high risk groups
2. To counsel all the persons with high risk behavior to control the spread of pandemic to innocent spouses and partners.
3. To observe the incidence of HIV infection along with syphilis and Hepatitis B infection.
Materials and Methods : 200 patients who have attended to STD clinic in MGM Hospital, Warangal were screened for HIV, Hepatitis B and Syphilis infections. 100 patients of female sex workers and MSM brought by NGO representatives were screened for all the 3 infections. A camp was conducted for the truck drivers to screen HIV, Hepatitis B and Syphilis infections as per the instructions of DM & HO. We have collected 100 blood samples from in mates of central prison in Warangal and screened for HIV, Hepatitis B and Syphilis infections.5 ml of blood collected from all the persons, serum separated and subjected to screening of HIV infection by WHO strategy, and as per NACO guidelines, after performing Pre-test counseling and informed consent. Samples were screened for Hepatitis B infections and syphilis with rapid plasma reagin tests.100 blood donors were taken as control group.
Results :In all high risk groups, HIV sero positivity is highest in RTI/STD patients- 7.5%,followed by 6 % in FSW/MSM persons, 1.4% in truck drivers , 1% in Jailinmates and nil in small group of intravenous drug users (IDUs) and 100 persons in control group showed nil incidence of HIV, Hepatitis B and Syphilis infections.
Hepatitis B infection in RTI/STD patients was 4%, female sex workers and MSM it was 6%, in truck drivers it was 4.2%, in IVD users it was 3.33% and in inmates of central Prison it was 2%. Seropositivity for syphilis was more in RTI and STD patients amounting to 34% and also 34% female sex workers and MSM 17.1% in truck drivers and 14% in inmates of central prison and 6.66%in IV Drug users. In control group blood donors there was 2% seropositivity for syphilis.
Conclusion : There is remarkable association among HIV, Hepatitis B and Syphilis infections in high risk groups. Also there is changing pattern in the incidence of this infection. Elaborative study of all infections is needed especially in truck drivers jail inmates as a routine protocol in order to control the spread of infection.
Keywords :High risk groups, HIV, Hepatitis B and Syphilis infections
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