Pavan Kumar K 1, Apurva Chada 2, Ravinder Anaveni 3, Sinjoni Roy 4
1Associate Professor,Department of Psychiatry,Chalmeda Ananda Rao Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimanagar,2Senior Resident,Institute of Mental Health,Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad,3Department of Bio – Statistics, Chalmeda Ananda Rao Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimanagar, 4Postgraduate Student, Department of Psychiatry, Chalmeda Ananda Rao Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimanagar,Telanagana.
Address for correspondence: Dr Pavan Kumar K, Associate Professor,Department of Psychiatry,Chalmeda Ananda Rao Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimanagar,Telanagana,India.
Background: The chances of developing sexual dysfunctions appear to increase with increasing years of alcohol consumed. Various explanations have been offered for sexual dysfunction in alcoholic patients. The prevalence of sexual dysfunction causes significant distress and affects the relationship of a couple.
Aim :Our study was an attempt to find out the presence of sexual dysfunction in alcohol dependant individuals and correlate with severity of Alcohol Dependence
Material and Methods : Sixty male in-patients who were diagnosed as alcohol dependence syndrome according to ICD-10 were assessed for severity of dependence using Severity Of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire (SADQ) and Assessment of sexual disorders was done using Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale (ASEX). Relationship between the severity of alcohol dependence and presence of sexual disorder is analyzed using chi square test and spearman’s correlation coefficient test using SPSS software.
Results :sixty percent of our patients with alcohol dependence had sexual dysfunction. The level of alcohol dependence has significant association with the sexual dysfunction
Conclusion :Sexual dysfunction and alcohol dependence are proportionately related. Clinicians need to assess sexual dysfunction in all patients presenting with Alcohol Dependence.
Keywords :Sexual Dysfunction, Alcohol Dependence, SADQ, ASEX
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