Prakash S H1, Thomas Prasannaraj M S2
1Assistant Professor, Department of ENT, ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR, Bangalore
2Professor and HOD, Department of ENT, ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR, Bangalore.
Address for correspondence: Prakash S H, Assistant Professor, Department of ENT, ESIC Medical College & PGIMSR, Bangalore, Karnataka,India
Background: Allergic rhinitis is one of the very common conditions observed in clinical practice with an increasing incidence and prevalence. It results in decreased productivity and absenteeism. Due to the complications and co-morbidities associated with allergic rhinitis, it is a major health concern. Patients develop complications because of lack of awareness about the disease and inappropriate or incomplete treatment. In view of this, the present study was conducted to study the clinical characteristics of the disease in patients with allergic rhinitis attending Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) department in a tertiary care centre as well as to evaluate the level of awareness about the disease and its complications among these patients.
Materials and Methods : All allergic rhinitis patients attending the ENT Department were included in the study. Patients were verbally administered the questions from a well structured questionnaires and the responses were documented. The questions were structured to elicit information regarding the clinical characteristics of the disease, patient’s awareness about the disease and its complications. Results were tabulated and evaluated. A comparison of the study data to the historical data from published literature was also undertaken.
Results : Of the hundred patients administered with the questionnaire, patients of the age group of 31 to 40 years of age (28%) were the most commonly affected. The most common symptoms observed were sneezing, watery discharge from the nose and itching in the nose seen in 97% of the patients followed by nose block, seen in 91% of the patients. 83% of the patients reported worsening of the symptoms on exposure to dust; 69% had bouts of sneezing early in the morning on waking up and 62% of the patients had seasonal variation of symptoms. 32% of the patients also had the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis and 29% of the patients bronchial asthma. 38% of the patients were aware of the common allergens and 20% said they were aware of possible complications like sinusitis, nasal polyps. 25% understood the need for regular treatment to avoid complications of allergic rhinitis. Only 5% said they may develop bronchial asthma.
Conclusion : Though allergic rhinitis is a common disease causing morbidity and complications, patient awareness about the disease is inadequate. Considering the high prevalence of the disease, health education about the disease including etiology, avoidance and management to the population and allergic rhinitis patients is necessary.
Keywords : Allergic rhinitis, Bronchial asthma, awareness, complications
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