Pratibha Mane1, Jyoti Sangwan2
1Associate professor, 2Assistant professor Department of Microbiology, Shaheed Hasan Khan Mewati,Government Medical College, Nalhar, Mewat, Haryana,India.
Address for correspondence: Dr.Pratibha Mane, Associate professor, Department of Microbiology, Shaheed Hasan Khan Mewati,Government Medical College, Nalhar, Mewat, Haryana,India.
Introduction: An outbreak of novel influenza A (H1N1) (here after called A/H1N1) infection occurred in Mexico, followed by ongoing spread to all over the world in a short period. Fluviruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza.
Objectives:To evaluate the difference in knowledge after structured teaching
Material and Methods:The present study was done in October 2015 and fifty nurses were included in the study. The questionnaire was designed on different aspects of H1N1 influenza.The questionnaire were distributed before teaching and they were asked to tick the answer from the given options. After the teaching same questionnaire were distributed and were asked to tick the correct answer. One point is given to each correct answer.
Results: In the present study, no poor knowledge but18%,50% and 32% of participants had average, good and very good overall knowledge at pretest respectively. After structured teaching participants had nil, 20% and 80% of average, good and very good overall knowledge at posttest respectively about pandemic H1N1 influenza.
Conclusion: During a pandemic, nosocomial transmission is a major problem and information about the preventive measures that could be taken to reduce risk of transmission of infection is very important. Knowledge has a significant influence on attitudes and practices in a pandemic.
Keywords :Novel Influenza H1N1, pretest, posttest, structured teaching and nursing staff
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