Ravikanth Kolluri,1 Abhilash Vavilala2
1, 2Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagunur, Karimnagar,Telangana,In dia.
Address for correspondence: Dr Ravikanth Kolluri, Assistant professor, Department of Orthopaedics, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagunur, Karimnagar,Telangana,India.
Email: ravikanth_375@yahoo.com
Background: Even though the proximal humerus fracture are second most common fractures in upper extremity after distal radius treatment of these displaced 3-part & 4-part fractures is still challenging because of comminution. This study attempts to analyse the functional outcome of 3-part & 4part proximal humerus fractures with PHILOS plate and throws a light on prognostic factors for a favourable outcome.
Materials and Methods This is a prospective study of 30 patients with Neel’s 3-part & 4-part frac-
tures which were surgically treated with PHILOS plating during 2011 to 2015. Evaluation of patients was done on the basis of radiological union and functional assessment using Constant-Murley shoulder score.
Results : The mean age of the patient is 42.5 years (range 18-65) with 70% male preponderance.The mean follow up is 12 months (range 8-16 months). The mean Constant-Murley shoulder score of 81 and mean loss of CCD angle of 4˚ at the last follow up. Favourable factor influencing the outcome are young age, good bone stock, intact medial metaphyseal cortical continuity with inferior locking calcar screw with zero avascular necrosis of head of humerus.
Conclusion : Osteosynthesis with PHILOS plate in 3-part & 4-part fractures with surgical skillsgives good functional outcome with low complication rate, patient age, bone stock,medial metaphyseal cortical continuity prognosticate the outcome.
Keywords : 3-part & 4 part proximal humerus fractures, PHILOS plate, inferior locking calcar screw.
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