S. Sangeeta1, B. Venu Gopal2
1,2Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagunur, Karimnagar, Telangana, India.
Address for correspondence: S.Sangeeta, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagunur, Karimnagar, Telangana, India
Email: samudralasangeeta@gmail.com
Introduction: Zinc is an essential trace element that is essential for overall growth and development and for the proper functioning of the immune system. Deficiency of zinc can enhance the expression of certain proteins known as angiotensin II that constrict the blood vessels in kidneys and further aggravate the condition of individuals with obstructive kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Incidence of CKD is rising which is likely to pose major problem for both health care and economy in India. Dialysis is a form of renal replacement therapy for severe kidney failure.
Aims and Study:
The Present study is aimed to evaluate the role of zinc and renal parameters predicting CKD in patients undergoing hemodialysis.
Material and Methods:A group of 25 normal healthy subjects (controls-A), 25 CKD patients on hemodialysis (test group -B) were enrolled in the study. Zinc, Urea, Creatinine and serum albumin levels were estimated in the sample collected from normal and CKD-HD subjects.paired student’t’test was applied to calculate ‘p’value using graphad calculator.
Results: : The results of two groups were expressed as Mean±SD. The values of zinc and albumin were significantly decreased in CKD-HD group compared with that of controls. ‘P’ value is 0.0001 which was considered as extremely statistically significant.
Conclusion: This study found that decreased zinc can be used as an indicator for severe damage of kidney in hemodialysis.
Keywords :Chronic kidney disease, End stage renal disease, Hypozincemia, Hemodialysis
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