Shah Jitesh M1, Mehta Meghana N2, Kongnathi Satyanarayan A3
1Associate Professor, 2Assistant Professor , 3Assistant Professor, Department. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education and Research.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Jitesh M. Shah, D- 503, Citizen Heights, Punagam road, Magob, Surat-395010.
Objective: The main objective of the study was to assess the role of NST (non stress test) in perinatal outcome in high risk pregnancy.
Materials and Methods: Total 402 women with high risk pregnancy were enrolled into the study. NST was performed with cardiotocography. Results of NST were considered as reactive, non reactive and equivocal. All cases were followed up till the delivery and data regarding mode of delivery and perinatal outcome were noted. Data were analyzed by Chi-square test using Open EPI version software.
Results:41.8% women were primigravidae and 58.2% were multigravidae. Various high risk factors were postdatism, oligohydramnios, hypertension etc. NST was reactive in 71.7% cases and non reactive in 28.3% cases. LSCS was required in 6.3% of women with reactive NST versus 29.5% cases in non reactive group. Sensitivity of NST was 93.33% and specificity was 83.04%. Positive predictive value was 49.12% and negative predictive value was 98.61%.
Conclusion:NST is a simple and non invasive test to detect fetal hypoxia. Reactive test suggests healthy fetus. But non reactive test does not indicate fetal hypoxia. Cases with non reactive NST require further evaluation.
Keywords :Birth asphyxia, antepartum fetal surveillance, non stress test
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