Sharadrutha A1, Anandam G2
1Professor, 2Professor & Head, Department of Pathology, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimnagar,Telangana.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Sharadrutha A, Professor, Department of Pathology,Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimnagar,Telanagana,India
Introduction: Endometrial stromal sarcoma (ESS) is a tumor of endometrial stromal cells that invades the myometrium. Because of its rarity and benign looking appearance, a preoperative diagnosis is difficult. But in few cases if the stromal tumor involves the endometrium, diagnosis can be made by endometrial biopsies and curettings. A definitive diagnosis of stromal sarcoma can be made if myometrial invasion is identified in the tissue fragments or with imaging studies, but hysterectomy is usually required for definitive diagnosis. Prognosis depends on the stage of disease at the time of presentation. Here we are presenting five such cases of endometrial stromal sarcomas.
Keywords :Endometrial stromal sarcoma, plexiform vascular arrangement, undifferentiated stromal sarcoma
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