Srikanth Maloth1, Vikas C2, T Ramesh3
1Postgraduate student, 2Professor ,3Professor and Head, Department of Radiology, Prathima Institute of Medial Sciences , Karimnagar, Telangana, India.
Address for correspondence: Dr. SrikanthMaloth, Postgraduate student, Department of Radiology, Prathima Institute of Medial Sciences , Karimnagar, Telangana, India.
Summary: Annular pancreas is a rare congenital anomaly, can result in acute, chronic, or acute-on-chronic pancreatitis. In half of the cases it is asymptomatic. It can manifest in early neonate as duodenal obstruction or in adult with abdominal pain and vomiting. We reporteda 23-year-old male presented with recurrentepigastric pain since last two years. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the abdomen demonstrated mild pancreatitis along with the presence of pancreatic tissue around the descending portion of the duodenum (a characteristic feature of annular pancreas).The findings on different imaging modalities are described.
Keywords : Computed tomography; Magnetic resonance imaging; Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreaticography
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