K. Vijay Kumar1, G R Bharath Kumar2, Anthony Vipin3
1 Professor,2Assistant Professor,3Postgraduate Student,Department of Ophthalmology, Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal,India.
Address for correspondence: Dr G R Bharath Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal,India.
Email: drbhasha@yahoo.com
Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the various etiological causes of secondary infection in acute conjunctivitis epidemic
Materials and Methods Prospective study of 100 patients with acute conjunctivitis presented to Govt Regional Eye Hospital Warangal. Age, sex occupation, residence, eye effected were noted. The patients were subjected to conjunctival swabbing with 2 swabs , each one for smear and staining and other for culture. For isolation and identification of organisms various culture media are used.
Results : This series comprises of 100 patients with acute conjunctivitis. Out of 100 patients maximum incidence that is 33% of the affected patients were between 20-30 years. Male were 54% and females were 46%. 28% of the patients were Housewives, with 77% of the infection acquired from an affected family member. No geographic predisposition was found and 41% belonged to Warangal. 59% of the patients had involvement of both the eyes, and 78% had Moderate severity. 21% of the cases had 100% of the family members being affected. The most common complaints were Redness, Watering of the eyes.
The smears revealed either No organism, / Gram -ve Diplococci / Gram +ve Bacilli / Gram +ve Cocci/Gram +ve diplococci / Gram –ve Bacilli / Diphtheroids. In the cultures, 7 of them grew Proteus with an average CFU / mL of 17 and 4 grew Diptheroids with an average CFU/mL of 24, 9 grew Aerobic Spore Bearers, 6 grew Micrococci with an average CFU/mL of 72, 3 were contamination. Rest of the 71 swabs grew no growth on culture, with the smears showing plenty to no pus cells and No organism.
Conclusion : The study has revealed in majority of no secondary bacterial infection. Few cases are associated with secondary infection with various organisms. Out of which the Proteus is seen in majority of cases, which itself is not a normal resident flora in the conjunctiva. Due to the local decrease in Immunity may be the reason for access to the various organism to cause for secondary infection in Epidemic kerato conjuctivitis
Keywords : Acute Viral Conjunctivitis, Secondary Infection, Conjunctival Swabs, Proteus, micrococci.
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