Vijaya Gattu1, Suhela R2 , K.P.A.Chandrasekhar3
1Assistant Professor,3Profesor & Head, Department of Pathology, SVS Medical College, Mehabubnagar,Telangana,2Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology,ChalmedaAnandRao Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimnagar,Telanagana.
Address for correspondence: Dr Vijaya Gattu, Assistant Professor,Department of Pathology, SVS Medical College, Mehabubnagar,Telangana,India.
Introduction: Xanthogranulomatouscholecystitis (XGC) is a rare variant of cholecystitis and reported incidence of XGC varies from different geographic region from 0.7% -9%. Most of the clinicians are not aware of the pathology and less evidence is available regarding the optimal treatment of this less common form of cholecystitis in the present era of laparoscopic surgery.
Keywords :Xanthogranulomatouscholecystitis,cholecystectomy,nodule,laparoscopy
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